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cracker22 | 19:20 Thu 09th Aug 2012 | Crosswords
5 Answers
I can't see why this clue fits the answer (except the first word), so why?

29a: Defect in 15, for example, no good for clubs (11) - SHORTCOMING

15 is: Wise man finally appears in U.S. lake (5) - ERNIE

29a is a complete mystery to me!


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29a The answer to 15 as explained by others could be "short comic". Exchanging "ng" (no good) for "c" (clubs) at the end gives "shortcoming", a defect.
19:42 Thu 09th Aug 2012
Well, Ernie Wise was a 'short', i.e. small, man, so that's where the short comes from.
p.s. Ernie Wise's real surname was Wiseman but that's by the by
29a The answer to 15 as explained by others could be "short comic". Exchanging "ng" (no good) for "c" (clubs) at the end gives "shortcoming", a defect.
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Sorry dxhound2003 - you should realy have been the best answer!

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