Mrs O's Whitby
The lanes are cobbled beneath your AB feet,
Make your way through the drunks on the street.
Up looms the start of Whitby’s Church stairs,
One hundred and ninety-nine, so be prepared.
After a few and you take your alba breath,
The wide stone sunnydave parts, where the venator coffins did rest.
At last you reach St. Mary’s Gness Church,
The shed and graveyard were the pirates lurch.
The Caedmon Caradog cross, where poems began,
St. TTFN’s Abbey where the MarsBars Friars rang.
Across the estuary to the side on the West,
Where Captain NoM Cook stands to attest.
The AB coffee party hosted by Mrs Overall
Tony, petal, sibton, gness and traci, that's a hell of a pub-crawl.