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What is an Atheist ?

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modeller | 16:37 Thu 09th Aug 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
30 Answers
Buddhists by definition are Atheists but they support Buddhist principles.

Then I thought could you be a Christian Atheist, that is, not believe in God but support Christian principles ?
or a Muslim Atheist but support Muslim principles. ?

In all these cases it would indicate that Atheism is as diverse as Theism it boils down to the culture in which you grow up.


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It would be more accurate to describe Buddhists as non-theists rather than atheists. Buddhists see no reason to believe in gods, whereas atheism equates to an absence of belief in any god. There is a subtle difference.

To the question. I don’t see how anyone could describe themselves as a Christian atheist or a Muslim atheist. Christianity not only...
18:44 Thu 09th Aug 2012
<you can have the high moral principles of any religion without the need of belonging to it or believing in a God>


perhaps you are viewing this from the wrong direction?

religions - moral principles - adoptors of those principles who don't follow the religion

evidence from across the broad spectrum of human experience is that there are fundamental principles which people display to varying degrees and which are encouraged by societies. those principles are connected with our desire and need to coexist in social groups and support each other

eg 'do as you would be done by' the 10 commandments, forgive your enemies, help the less fortunate etc

one consequence is that as religions have been developed by people over time, they have incorporated (and tried to take ownership of) those fundamental principles.

so it is no surprise that many people can enact those principles without any recourse to a religion
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Thanks for all your answers . It seems to me that it is the culture of the country rather than religion which is the fundamental guide to our
behaviour but of course the culture of a country is heavily influenced by the practice of the religions within that country. The term multi-cultural is probably the best term to describe this country now . The problem is that you can not separate religion from the culture and the stronger the religion the greater is its influence .

Since reading all the posts I thought I could describe myself with the general term English Atheist but when I look at my multi cultural neighbours and how our society has changed I realise that term could be meaningless.
Modeller, you really seem to have the hump with me for some reason.
What was it that I said ? can it be mended somehow ?
ps. you seem to bring intelligence into the equation everytime I interact with you even though it's quite obvious that I'm not exactly a 'thickie'.
...also, would you be so kind as to answer my question re you ostensibly having a religeous hangup. It can't be *that* difficult to deal with for someone of your superior intellect. I've chucked in a couple of asterisks for your viewing pleasure :-)
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Hi Birdie.

"Oh dear. Such responses do you no favours whatsoever. And there's no need to shout".

Ok, fair comment but this poster has made a few personal slights against me recently and (afaic) appears to be a bit closed-minded and volatile. I could have enclosed the latter quote in asterisks but he seems to have an issue with that, hence the caps.

"I was merely asking why you seem to questioning the reason for the question".

I don't think it's unreasonable for me to have asked this question as I believe it is pertinent and the entire content of his OP hinges on it.

"My comment was entirely appropriate. Your response to it was not".

Well, that's a matter of opinion. Please refer to my answer above answer and consider this: I uphold the question as Modeller seems so blinded by his fury with me that he seems unable to answer it.

"I shall await a similarly ill-considered response to this post" - please keep an open mind !
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You naughty goader, I should spank you !
I'm sure Modeller and I will make up at some point - I like polystyrene cement and I'm sure we could find common ground over a couple of tubes of Milliput and some wet and dry paper.
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'Bobs' ?

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