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closing ceremony

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pugthedog | 22:09 Sat 11th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
why have we to put up with paul mccartney again it's time he packed in


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what about robbie williams he has deservered got a squeaky clean name
Bearing in mind that the whole world will be looking in so we have to have people who can sing rather than people who we are nostalgic about my contenders for the closing ceremony would be:-
Tom Jones - he`s still got his full voice and doesn`t have to sing falsetto
Shirley Bassey
George Michael
Annie Lennox
Rolling Stones
237SJ - I agree with you . . . the whole world will be looking in so we have to have people who can sing

But Russell Brand. Oh dear!
There`s no place for Russell Brand either singing or via anything else. He`s not even funny(IMO)
where has Cliff Richard been?
Adele is too pregnant to appear
Kate bush is re releasing Running up that hill to coincide with her appearance
So I heard on some tv show or other
You can still sing if you are pregnant though. It`s not going to kill you, is it?
Jessie J will be on, with Brian May from Queen.

No doubt Will.I.Am will be trying to squeeze in.
Will.I.Am is hardly the best of British.
Well he got in on the Jubilee concert, and carried the Olympic torch!
Why does there have to be a load of singers anyway? Esp. Macca, how embarrassing.
There is a facebook page called stop Paul McCartney singing at the closing ceremony!
Someone should tell him.

It's a bit like that other subject today - how to stop an elderly person driving when they are no longer up to it.
My wife and I are copping out of the closing ceremony.We are going to record it and fast forward the bits we don't like.
Re Russell Brand singing, I have to admit I've never heard him sing. He might surprise us all.
Can't be any worse than Macca anyway.

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