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Epson P50 Printer

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Jaimsieboy | 20:31 Sat 11th Aug 2012 | Technology
9 Answers
I recently bought a P50 Epson Printer and came to replace the Black cartridge with a non- Epson cartridge (compatible) U-T801GS but the P50 would not accept it.
Anybody got any suggestions...


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buy an epson cartridge?
What, exactly, do mean by 'not accept it'?
I think the OP is telling us that the printer will not operate with the 'Compatible' cartridge.

Jamsieboy...You could have a word with the firm that sold you the item, on the basis that it was advertised as 'compatible' and just doesn't work, and see what reaction you get on the matter.

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Hi Bookbinder,

When I try install the "compatible" a message flags that the P50 does not recognise it and and large round circle with a white cross appears on the on-screen info plus an orange light is now appearing on the front of the printer.


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Thanks Vivandorron, going to do that tomorrow...
Hi again Jaimsieboy.......There is some sound advice given on the following Video clip:-

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Hi Vivandorron,
Watched the video clip and done as per instructed but no joy.
I also had a close look at the connections on the both the cartridges and there is a slight difference on them.
The Epson one has 4 brass connection spots on it but the Compatible one has only 3 connection spots.

Sorry I haven't been able to help solve your problem, but hope you get some joy from where you purchased the cartridge.

Please post again and advise us of the outcome.

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Will Do... J/Boy

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