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Mick-Talbot | 00:10 Mon 13th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
Looking forward to Christmas ?


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Bugger off mick. ;)
00:10 Mon 13th Aug 2012
im the official scrooge in this house!
Bah! Humbug!
Whoever mentions the C word should be shot. I have not even thought about that yet.

We have only just got over the Olympics so this should be the last thing on our minds.
I get cross when people look at me as if I am mad because I don't start Christmas shopping until December.
I'm pretty ambivalent towards it. The positive is that I don't have to worry about the food and entertaining element as I'll be spending it on my own.

i'm alone at christmas too.

how about you and i getting together? i'll cook the dinner.
I can't wait as I will be in the Seychelles.
lucky you traci.

take eccles and i with you?
It is a working holiday excel for two months.
Thanks for the offer Excel but I'm looking forward to being on my own.

Lucky you Traci!
Some people have all he luck! It brings back to many bad memories to be special.

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