It seems that I have 'upset' a few people! Let me first point out to quizmonkey that I have been In touch with Richard Cleaver & he advised me that this was an excellent site to use for help but only after the 12th. I agree that searching for the answers is part of the fun & it is not my intention to 'ruin' an excellent quiz. Thank you jodder for the clue, most appreciated. Since posting my request I have managed to find 10 more answers myself. My apologies if anyone was offended by my request.
Not offended at all.I feel lucky that I have family and friends who give me a new perspective on clues when I am struggling. Couldn't manage to finish this quiz[if Ido] without their help! Good Luck! Like me you sound as if you need it!!!
Equally though I commented , am not offended or upset - it just seemed a large amount to ask for hints. A very challenging quiz as you have discovered.
Thank you jodder, I have been sharing this with an elderly friend of mine, she has thoroughly enjoyed giving her brain a good 'workout'! Good luck with your remaing questions :-)