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Anyone else feeling sweltered?

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Ann | 00:09 Tue 14th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Phew..... it aint 'alf 'ot! Probably heading for a thunderstorm in the night ............


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Not round here it`s not. I wish it was though. I love that really hot weather
It's been so muggy today - I have hated it. And last night was dreadful. Been raining this evening here.
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Think we've had a bit of rain tonight Lottie but only just wet the pavements. Its been really muggy here too, I have a fan on all night but still have a problem sleeping, my pillow is always too hot ..............
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Think its all going to end soon, back to miseable weather - just in time for my hols on the East coast next week :(
Yes, but then I am of a certain age, lol!
You coming my way next week Ann?
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No Lottie we are going to a quiet place near Sutton on Sea ........ but I do want to see Wells and Holkham sometime, its just fitting some holidays in with our busy life!
Yes Ann86. Its been too hot and muggy for me too.I havent been able to sleep for the heat., even with fans going.We havent had any rain for weeks now and the garden is as hard as rock.
Last night was better here, slept much better than the previous night. (Mind you, the previous night we had stayed up v late watching the closing ceremony, then I had to iron a top for work....)

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