And they say soaps are supposed to reflect real life. Not down my street it
dont. A few noisy herberts at closing time is about all that happens in my neck of the woods. Maybe I should start eyeing up the postman in my flimsy nightie. That would get the nets twitching, lol!
Getting so fed up with Paddy, Rhona , Marlon and Laurel storyline, wish they would all clear off to Australia ................. storyline gone on far too long.
I'm not getting fed up with the Paddy, Rhona, Leo, Laurel and Moron story line, I'm absolutely cheesed off with it. It would suit me if all five of them go to New Zealand tomorrow, and not just for two years.
It annoys me that all soaps drag out these boring story lines until they squeeze the last drop from them just so they don't have to think up anything more imaginative.
Sometimes the storylines drag on a bit but I like Marlon, he's a tad ecccentric but never boring (unlike the Bartons). I actually find Rhona more irritating than Paddy and Marlon.