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TWR | 19:01 Tue 14th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Did you enjoy our success? I do mean the gold medals in case anyone can not understand my meaning, are you proud to be British? did it put a tear in your eyes? ( Be honest)


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I really enjoyed the olympics, It made me proud to be british yes.
hello TWR

before the olympics i had no interest at all -- then i got caught up in it - and yes. i was a little weepy at the appropriate times.
No more or less so than I was before.
What about the silver and Bronze ?
Are they not classed as successful?
-- answer removed --
I'm Scottish (joke!)
don't cry much. Cried when my cat died a few years back
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Do you make a habit of NIT PICKING MICK?
If you're going to blub TH I reckon the Paralympics will really get you going.
I think everyone associated with the Olympics had reason to be proud of a great achievement in the way it was all presented and organised and we, in turn should be proud of them.
One of my sons-in-law is a Project Manager with Lea Valley and was involved in the construction and managing of the white water course and security during the events, and he said the atmosphere and behaviour of everyone was outstanding.
The management of each event is assessed by the Olympic Committee and they were awarded a gold so that was a real boost to their morale.
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Are you sure you have mentioned EVERYONE Parkdale? you will more than likely find out if you have not! Its a sin on here if you do not you know.
whole thing was amazing and can't praise the organisers and coaches and the lottery funding enough, sound like seb coe i guess but it's true. roll on the paraolympics, on our screens every day all day for another 2 weeks. wonder if i can break another toe? : )
Yes - might have been hay fever ;)
Do you make an habit of SHOUTING ?
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It was a great effort by all that had take a roll in the whole Olympic Program, from the cleaners, athletics, Danny Boyle must be Knighted for this, anyone I have I forgotten anyone? ( Just in case)
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To small minded peole YES.
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People as well.
You asked the question TWR.

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