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Unable to find a network

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nfn | 17:03 Mon 13th Aug 2012 | Computers
9 Answers
I have my phone and laptop connecting to my wifi no problem. I can't get the notebook to even find the network connection (all 3 are side by side on the worktop!!) I've been told to make sure the switch hasn't been changed accidentally but there is no switch. It's an msi U135DX notebook if that makes any difference. Apparently it worked when it was connected via dsl yesterday. It keeps giving Error 651 when I try. Thanks in advance
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Try the manual, chapter 2 pages 10-11 something about FN key and F11
good luck
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It's mum's and she's been out of her house since Feb when she was flooded. I'll need to employ sniffer dogs to find the manual! Thanks anyway

If that ^^^^ doesn't work, google, Msiu135dx/manual
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DONE IT!!! I'm on the notebook now! Thank you, it was as simple as pressing Fn F11 and trying to connect again!
As Balders says - the wifi switches on/off by holding down the Fn key and pressing F11.
You don't have to download you can read it online, click 'user manual' next to where it says 87 pages
Cheers Dave

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Baldric, Dave, you're both stars!! You have no idea how grrrrr I was!

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Unable to find a network

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