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Wide Awake.....

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yelenots | 01:11 Thu 16th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Been to bed and I cant sleep anyone got any ideas??


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Let me climb into bed with you and pretend to have sex, you'll be asleep in no time!
01:23 Thu 16th Aug 2012
relaxing music and a hot milky drink.
Question Author
Thanks...tried that 2 hrs ago!!
Let me climb into bed with you and pretend to have sex, you'll be asleep in no time!
Do the ironing? (Suddenly sleep sounds fun).
a bottle of the macallan 12 years old single malt.surely god's prefferance.expensive but beautiful.
"expensive but beautiful." Yep, that's me, but I don't brag about it 'cos I'm modest.
tbh yelenots, i've spent a lifetime of not getting off to sleep. when it's just a need of a relaxant, enjoy a large wine;
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Thank you for your replies! Finally got to sleep around 4ish........exhausted this morning! I should of done the ironing mojo - good idea! and Mike as for your suggestion well........... :-)
Why pretend? Why not the real thing?

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Wide Awake.....

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