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'Whenever I hear of a neighbours good fortune a little piece of me dies...'

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sandyRoe | 14:01 Thu 16th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I suppose they should be congratulated?



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A near neighbour of my mum won £8 million on the lottery about 5 years back...does not appear to have bought him much happiness though..wife up and left...
Why Sandy? Are you not pleased for them?
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I'm jealous. Always thinking, when is it going to be my turn?
Oh Sandy
I did not think you would be like that - just goes to show avatars can be so deceptive.
You should be happy for them - good things happen to people who think good things
Oh I see! LOL. Never mind Sandy - keep trying - I do:-))) Good luck!
I'd be happy for them if they were decent people. If they weren't decent people I'd probably just hope they'd move.
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They both work as nurses and I'm sure they are decent people. I hope they enjoy their win.
That line, 'whenever I hear...' was one that I wanted to put into a question title. I'm not really jealous.
That's good. They are probably very deserving.

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'Whenever I hear of a neighbours good fortune a little piece of me dies...'

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