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shopping..or..a country pub lunch...

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mrsmaveric | 10:50 Thu 16th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers


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COUNTRY PUB LUNCH, no contest!

Or how about a bit of both, one rewarded by the other?

Enjoy your day whichever you decide.
Question Author
thanks maidup BOTH it is lol
lunch, now please im hungry :-)

I shall be attending the pub later this afternoon.
Lunch!!! Without a doubt.
Country Pub lunch / Shopping? Now, let me think,


Mines a pint please!
Too busy for either now - should make pub by about 4pm though (large pint please) ...
Pint of what?
Real Beer - not the cold fizzy stuff :+)
both of course
no !!
I don't even know what the sell. I know they sell Stella and Vodka and Cider :-)
How about buying a small dictionary - descisions indeed.

P.S. Only joking, I'm not a member of the spelling police, honestly.
That's OK cannery43 :)
Just what I was going to say to Cannarie 41, Dave. :-)
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i dont care if i spelt descisions wrong lol...
Nither doo wee MrsM.......good day? x
Question Author
lol gness ive had a lovely day thank you..hope you have too...x
Good. I`ve bobbed about on here while doing housework (don`t tell Alba) and stuck sparkles on my toenails. Then danced around to Queen while they dried. x

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