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Dead or Alive ?

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thenry | 21:03 Wed 15th Aug 2012 | Body & Soul
38 Answers
We're all going to die so are you OK being alive or would you rather it was all over and you didn't have to worry about the ending ?


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Dying doesn't really scare me and i'm 'happy' to accept it when it comes, I am hoping that won't be too soon though :)
Terrifies the hell out of me
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Me and my oh are in our early forties now and I like our age and our lifestyle but unfortunately my oh seems to talk about how things will be when we retire more than anyone I've ever met . It really gets to me as it makes me feel like 60-65 years of age and the twilight years are just around the corner for us rather than enjoying our age now. :O(
That's my philosophy anyway enjoy your life today.
oops. but look after yourself and hopefully the end will stay a good way off.
Don't think about death too often, but when I do, I get a bit scared !!
That sounds a bit like a glass half full person, jenarry - in your forties, you've got years of active life left as long as your health is good.
No point fretting - it's going to happen. Be happy while you're here and when your gone your gone. Dying as a process can only last a certain amount of time. Millions have done it before.
A neighbour of ours died during washing up at the kitchen sink, with the missus drying, Dead before he hit the floor. Terrible shock for the wife, but from his viewpoint, I can't help thinking rather sweet.
'You know not the day nor the hour'....
We all want to go quickly don't we, but it doesn't always happen that way. A beloved relative of mine just fell asleep in her armchair and that was that, no pain for her, but grief for those left behind.
I don't worry about death at all, but I do worry about any illness that proceeds it. I don't think about death or what life is all about. I don't think it's about anything at all. It just happens.
Mosaic, that's the way to go. Horrendous for those left behind, but no long drawn out illness, constant pain etc. Both my parents had cancer and I don't wish that on anyone. In my opinion, the quicker the better. I don't think I fear being dead, it's the method of getting that way that concerns me.
ID would you rather it was all over and you didn't have to worry about the ending ?
yes you're not far wrong boxtops. I've told him in a roundabout way a couple of times now that he talks about this way too me retirement is all too close to the end and to look forward to it at 40 seems to be wishing the next 20 or so years away. I don't understand it at all.
I don't understand it either, jenarry - even at 65, people these days can look forward to at least another 20 years, all being well. That means you and your OH are only halfway there - not nearing closedown!
My mum lived to 94 so if I do the same (and I hope to) I've still got a third of my life left to enjoy!
Are you mad..................I'm only 64.
precisely, craft - the operative word being "only"!
Im 54, I have no intention of popping my clogs just yet, life is too good, however when that time comes I wont be worrying about it, I just hope it isn't for many years yet.

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