It's Wednesday. The sun is just coming over the hilltop into a cloudless sky. Makes a nice change. I hope it's the same tomorrow for the grand demolition of the old shed! I will not be sorry to see it go!
Morning Dee, Comm and DT.
Little box on awning has come loose giving me another go at the Monday blind fitting men.
Have the indoor blind fitting again man with the weak bladder in a week or two. That`s always fun.
I had a plumber once with a week bladder.
I know I should rephrase that but really can't be bovvered. :-D
Ohmegosh, Dee, you have interesting peeps in your neck of the woods.
Mr Alba said we lived in the middle of a coven in our last house.
Neighbour through the wall, widowed lady, one up, a single woman, next to her, another widowed lady, up from her a single lady, across the road, a divorced lady, he started to get nervous.
talking of covens alba at another bingo hall [ dont go there anymore] there was a mother & daughter & a friend and they chatted incessantly all thru the game and we named them "mummy witch, baby witch & sandwich" and were refer to as the non stop coven.