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Isn't he a bit too fat to be in the Royal Protection Squad?

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sandyRoe | 22:17 Wed 22nd Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
There was footage of Prince Harry walking by a swimming pool on the news at 6. He was accompanied by a giant fat man wearing a red T-shirt. Could he have been an official police bodyguard?


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Maybe it's all muscle?

Or, it's his job to jump in front of Harry in case of an attack?
Perhaps he was a Beefeater in his muftis.
or he could be his fluffer, to find women with whom he can get in the nuddy with.

Not there is anything wrong with Prince Henry almost displaying the family jewels and orb and sceptre.
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Maybe he had Harry's snooker partner hidden under the T-shirt and was smuggling her up to the room?
the entry on cue, of course......
Maybe it's a Wimbledon womble.
Or, might he have been an hotel employee, like the other well developed individual in one of the photos wearing a similar outfit???
probably hotel security he did not look like a Scotland Yard escort did he ?
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No, Dee Sa. He looked like one of the bodyguards you might see in the company of a pop star.
He's in the US, security guards can be big people over there. Is there a US equivalent of "who ate all the pies"?
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I don't know. But there are American programmes on some of the cable channels which seem to glorify gluttony.

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Isn't he a bit too fat to be in the Royal Protection Squad?

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