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maggiebee | 11:28 Fri 24th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Good grief - just received my first Christmas Catalogue by post. Haven't even had my summer holiday yet!


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A bit premature, I think maggie.
Well some people do have only four pay days left until its Christmas.
I already made purchase of a few xmas presents
The ads are already on the TV
Nooo, not been summer holiday yet!!!!!

Or Halloween/Bonfire Night!!!

Christmas NOT before Dec 1st IMO, pleeeeeease!
May I be the first to say

Bah Humbug!!!!
I second that Baldric.
Shall I buy some eggs ready for Easter?
Received the one from the Leprosy Mission last week. Suppose to have to get orders in nearly to try to get a few funds are Christmas All the smaller charities in particular are very pressed at the moment.
I am just waiting for the bank holiday to finish and then no doubt the supermarkets will be getting the tinsel and crackers out.
christmas stock already being shipped in to supermarket warehouses.

starts being sent to the shops within the next few weeks.

(i know -- i work in one)
Phew! For one awful moment there I thought you were going to say you've just received your first Christmas card!!
Noooooo Marval, Valentine cards first....surely you want to see how many you get!!

again..Bah Humbug to Christmas!!
Noooooo Marval, Valentine cards first....surely you want to see how many you get!!

I don't usually get any Valentine cards
I had an email from a pub chain today, inviting me to book my Christmas meal. I don't start thinking about Christmas stuff until December (but obviously sort out advent calendars before then). Going to be a nightmare this year as girl, thing 1 and 2 will be in key stage one and I am facing making 3 costumes for the school play with about two weeks notice (I really don't won't to make three set of angel wings - they are a bitch to do).
The Card Factory already has all their Christmas Cards on the shelves - Studio Cards sent their catalogue round two weeks ago, it went straight in the bin. Much too early.
My OH got a Studio catalogue the other day.

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