Visited URLs in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Visited URLs

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musiqmaster | 10:25 Wed 10th Jan 2001 | Technology
4 Answers
How do I wipe the list of URL's I visited off my browser?
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If you are using IE5, go to the Tools menu and choose "Internet Options..." at the bottom. Click on the "Clear History" button near the bottom, and say "Yes". This will prevent people seeing the address bar autocomplete to something you visited, but for extra peace of mind, also click on "Delete Files...", then OK.
Hi as you have not put which browser you use this is how to do it on internet explorer on your desktop RIGHT click on the internet explorer icon and click on properties in general you will see history and a button with clear history on it click on that and it will clear all the urls off the browser *and all your history links !*so when you click on history on your browers that will be empty hope this helps alexuk
If you are using Netscape, go to the edit option at the top, then to preferences,then clear location bar button:-)
Go to "settings", in the "Start" button, select "control panel", select "internet options". Goto "delete files", and and click "offline content" and click "ok". Then go to "Settings" select " view files" and select all and delete - this delete's the cookies which sometimes brings up the URL. Get out of that and go back to your main "internet Proprties" screen. select "clear history". Also go to content tab at top of screen and select " auto complete" this gives you the option to have web addresses come up automatically. Press "clear forms" and "clear passwords" only if you know all your passwords otherwise you lose the lot. Press "ok". Another way is to start your internet Explorer, click history and that should give you the option of deleting selective url's etc. !

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