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NoMercy | 11:27 Mon 27th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
it would be insubordinate of me to remain in my jim jams all day?


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Difficult these days to differentiate between night and day wear in some cases. I must admit to not wearing PJ's if I go out, but I have driven in them on occasions!!
Embarrassing if you have a bump, break down or are stopped by the bizzies, Lofty.
Yes, it would have been!! But I had to drop someone off in a hurry on a couple of occasions and took a chance. But there again I don't exactly wear flimsy nightwear!!
No jim jams or nightie NoM so I`s slobbing around in just floaty trousers and vest top. Hate being dressed if I`m not going out. I`m with Crafty on the underwear too...I can get my bra down my sleeve before I have the key in the front door. x
Gawd, I think I'm in love.
I used to think it was an urban myth until a thread on here last year I think, now it does seems the norm, especially when out shopping. I never noticed before.
And I`s not tipsy.;-)
gness. I know how you feel. Bras, uggggh, tights even worse (not that I have worn them for years and years and years)
At my mammo the other day Lottie, a braless lady sighed and said she wished she could go braless all the time. Why not?
I do mostly unless I`m running fast.....not that that happens much these days. All the guys I know nowadays need a sporting chance.
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Just got back from Sainsburys. Got a few funny looks.
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Btw, ass quiff, I'm 35.
I've just got back from the supermarket and changed straight back into mine.
I don't wear PJ's, but I lounge around in various joggers and my t-shirt which is over 10 years old and has holes in it. I don't wish to part with it but if my mum had her way, she'd throw it out!
Slobby clothes are what the weekend's made for. I like the check drawstring bottoms (I did wear them to town once but I think it was mistake!)
I love Cazz's reply. Paddywak mentioned Giro city. I have not heard that expression before but knew exactly what he meant.
If you are in my company I would not mind a bit. I would quite like it, but do not go outside in them. Some people have tried to go to the supermarket and have been rejected entry. Also if you drive a car and then it breaks down you will have to walk like that and you would catch cold as well.
I don't think it would matter much if the car breaks down as long as NoM's wearing clean knickers ;-)

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