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Good Morning Ab'ers

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NoMercy | 04:36 Tue 28th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
159 Answers
Hope you have a lovely day. x


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just to be clear "dada" is a typo, i do not call my dad dada....
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Okay, we believe you.
oh lawdy, Fluff's on her typo travels again :-D
Off for a shower and to dust two window sills so the blind measure up man doesn`t have a coughing fit when he gets his measure out.

Happy day all x
Why do I think the guy would be safer not getting his measure out?

Have a happy day gness xx
Mornin'NoM and all....bit late today had a few glasses last night and slept in an hour.
Lovely day in store here in to the hospital soon to get my new left ear..well hearing aid I should say.....lost the other into the lawn mower and surprisingly it ended up in bits !

£70 odd they are charging for a replacement so no extra treats for a while ;-{

Nice day all ....
Heard that Alba!!
Morning Comm. When OH drove the car into the bowling club wall he blamed his new hearing aid. ???
ROFL.....Morning gness ..must remember that one Heh heh!
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Morning commoner. £70...ouch !
good morning all from a bright sunny Edinburgh...getting ready for going back into hossie...still not had mri that machine broken the other needed for emergencies yesterday..soooo...still don't know when I'll be home !..hoping my brother will come up for a few days for mum sitting and running about so I can get back to mine to check all is ok and get some housework done !!..may have to get a washerwoman in..Mrs bring your marigolds
Morning Murray...sorry dad is still in. In good spirits though I hope.

You`ll be shattered....How`s the neighbour too? x
<blinks at daylight>

Belated morning all ... pass the coffee please
Morning all.
Morning Dave and Tony....both well?

Daylight rain?
Seems to be a big yellow thing in the sky, gness.

My eyes just aren't used to this level of light ....
Morning, gness. Yeah dave, what is that big Yellow thing, up there ?
I think excelsior's dad must be cross about his cover being blown & has sent in the War Fleet ...
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Morning Murray, Dave and Tony.
Blind measurer has been...drop dead gorgeous and a huge cricket fan so I asked him if he was married. Surprised him somewhat. Sadly he is because I fancied him for a son-in-law. Ah well.

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Good Morning Ab'ers

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