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Itching ears

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strozzi | 18:19 Tue 08th Jul 2003 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
The outer parts of my inner ears are constantly itching and slowly driving me mad. Anyone suggest either the reason or a cure ?


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It means someone is talking about you! At least according to my Gran it always meant that when your ears got itchy.....Have you changed shampoo or soaps recently? Perhaps a new Aftershave? Think of things like this that might have changed to irritate the skin in this area...other than that try asking the doctor to run an allergy test.
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Thanks Sft42. Have ruled out soap, shampoo, aftershave etc. Now I find that my brother who lives 250 miles from me has the same problem. Maybe genetic, or old age. Will have to see the doc if I haven't scratched my ears off before I can get an appointment.
Not to sound stupid, but do you mean if you put your finger in your ear, or a cottonbud, that is where it itches? If so, it could be eczema. I have had this on and off for a few years. You could try an eczema relieving cream?
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Thanks for that tip. That's exactly where (I tried to describe) the itching is.
Hayfever has this effect on me. Have you tried taking an anti histamine like Zirtek and seeing if it helps. Your hearing is to be treasured and if it was me I'd go to the doctor or ring NHS Direct 0845 4647. Hope it clears up soon.

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