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On The Subject Of Pregnancy? Mixed Up..Or What?

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Kerosene | 08:36 Sun 02nd Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Why couldn't this person just have stayed female in the first place? There should be laws against this sort of thing.Talk about being mixed up!


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//Why couldn't this person just have stayed female in the first place?//

Because he felt that he was a man trapped in a womans body.

//There should be laws against this sort of thing//

Why? What harm are they doing?
What century are you living in kerosene?
Not for or against this...they aren't harming any one as ummmm says...but if he was convinced (totally convinced) he was a man trapped in a woman's body ...why did he/she..keep his/her womb I wonder...just curious is all...

Seems like he/she wasn't really convinced and wanted to keep his/her options open....just in case...mmm...?
His desire to have children.
I watched a documentary on them, his partner at the time, I believe, had had a full sex change.
lol...the plot thickens....:-)
Born a woman, always a woman

Ditto man
Unfortunately there is no law against this, only the law of common sense. I am with you all the way on this one Kerosone.

I like your username, by the way, and hope it does not 'fuel' people's anger.

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On The Subject Of Pregnancy? Mixed Up..Or What?

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