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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:35 Tue 04th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
92 Answers
Tuesday. It's going to be a sunny day, well part of it is anyway. I can see lots of stars! :o}

Have a happy day everyone!


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I could always hire one, sweetpea........

Time to go so until tomorrow.........

Have a good day y'all, and, if you have one, may your god go with you
Morning Boxy xx

Take care sweetcheeks, xx
I expect you in uniform tomorrow morning :-D
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have a good'un Welshie. Regards to fingers. :o}
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Morning boxy. xxx Can't be bad! :o}
I was in the RAF in 1955....I was a good looking lad then.....the uniform could certainly pull the birds.....I don't think I'd look as good now..heh heh!
ooh I don't know Comm, a mature gentleman knows what to do :-)
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I was in the Army. Full dress uniform always impressed the girls! :o}
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Time to go and get my Trundlebuggy mark 2 out and go and get the paper.

Have a happy day everyone.
Take care Boaty xx
Hope your visitors behave! should get one of the new badges...for saying the nicest things ..:-))
Is there a "being nice" badge

A list of Empire medals may be useful
awww shucks Comm <blushes> thank you x

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Good morning early birds!

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