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Why are no normal questions posted at this time??

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Smowball | 01:17 Tue 04th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
They are all barking mad!!


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Do you mean the questuon about Egypt's women? Or maybe the one about teenage pregnancy?
Perhaps it's the one regarding the shooting in Leicestershire. Yeah. Totally barking :s
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Hello smowball, are you like myself after something a bit more cheerful and funny?
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Hello cupid - yes indeedy!
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Have had a sh1t day and need a bit of light amusement.
man walked into a bar and said OUCH, it was an iron bar, not a question but something to lighten the night.
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lol baza - very good!
Depends what you define by normal, most people are in bed at 01.17....
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That is very true lol
good morning smowball.
are you feeling a little more settled today?

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Why are no normal questions posted at this time??

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