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Do Gremlins live in washing machines?

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naomi24 | 14:39 Tue 04th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Do you ever lose things in the wash? We had people to dinner the other night, and all the table linen went into the wash afterwards, but out of a set of 6 linen napkins, only 5 remain. The other one is nowhere to be found.


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It will be slightly ripped up in the pump filter.
or a spider's nicked it in revenge....
Hmmm, I definitely have gremlins in mine, their favourite food seems to be socks, they pick a pair, eat one, then let the other go.
Mine definitely has a sock gremlin.
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Haaaaa! B00 - you can be so cruel....

Is that right, Chuck? I know nothing about pump filters. Does that mean the slightly ripped up napkin will cause a problem?
I was thinking the same about pillow cases. I've just changed the beds and only found one matching pair (not the duvet set ones)
I would check the filter just in case there is something there.
In the book, Lucky Jim, the hero had an accident with the bed linen while he was staying with his bosses family. His efforts to hide the damage only made things worse.
He somehow managed to set the sheets on fire. why did that pop into my mind?
definately naomi I have had them living in my house for years, made themselves at home too.
gremlins have to live somewhere.
However, why do they seem to feed on socks? Do they like cheese that much?
Well if all the socks that we are missing are in the washing machine filters, I am amazed it still works.
No, not gremlins. I consulted modern physicists. They said "items disappear into mini-black holes which take them into another dimension via strings and ignore our postuated dark matter". I asked for evidence. They said "what's evidence? We just have fun making up rubbish for the money!"
So in another dimension people get hundreds of socks and tea-towels from their washes - they then time-travel here and sell them "new" back to us.
a bit deep there solveit
Yup petal but different. Agree about gremlins but call then "the stealers". My pen disappears in seconds and I fInd it the next day in the conservatory or bedroom etc.

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