If it's on your PC and you don't know what it is, it's probably a virus. '.exe' files are files that run automatically when downloaded. That's if you received the file of someone else's computer. I will try and find out if it's a virus for you, if I find out that it is I'll put another message out.
I tried searching on www.mcafee.com for it, I don't think it's a virus luckily! But you never know. Go here to sign up to this dispatch service. They will email you about any new viruses. http://dispatch.mcafee.com/default.asp? Other wise, sorry, I cannot help you about that file!! Bye.
If your machine is a Compaq machine, it could be a program that runs only when you are on-line and checks for updates to the system from compaq.
I worked tech support for them a long time ago and I remember a utility that came pre-installed on several of their machines
Backweb.exe is a file placed in the Windows directory of your PC (Usually) buy an old free ISP called "Globalfreeway". It was the best free ISP but unfortunately it does not exist any more. This file is safe do delete and is not a virus.
I don't know about the free ISP software, but I do know that Backweb.exe is loaded onto Hewlett Packard machines. It connects to a server of theirs to download HP updates and isn't harmful.