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The Sunday Lunch/Dinner Thread

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NoMercy | 12:10 Sun 09th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
We're having roast chicken, roast potatoes and parsnips, stuffing, carrots, peas, cabbage, broccoli, green beans and gravy.

How about you?


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Just seen sunny-dave's post - ask him, he'll know.
Are you getting the lamb shanks for a sensible price Mazie ?

Round here the butchers have spotted that shanks are now 'the thing' at trendy dinner partiez and have hoiked up the price quite alarmingly .... bloody TV chefs giving people ideas ;-)
I paid about £6. for them both dave, so not too bad. It's the only way we can afford lamb at the moment. Yes, I've noticed pork bellies have taken a bit of an increase as well.
chicken chorizo paella and drinking the Rubicon.....

Not bad but if you can find it, NoM, the 2007 Caldora Sangiovese Terre Di Chieti IGT - or a 2008 as second string.....around £8
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All sounds very yummy, DT.
Was very nice :-)
We didn't really have lunch. But for supper we are having roast beef, yorkshires, spuds out the garden (roasted) and veg (out the garden) with some sort of red wine/onion gravy.

Although Mr BM may well decree we have to barbeque, in which case, who knows.
I had Sunday lunch in a pub t'up north. We were there by 12 so it was freshly cooked. I had lamb and he had beef with the biggest yorkshire puddings I've ever seen.
Pork chop, but haven't made up my mind about what to do with it. Rice perhaps?

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