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commoner | 16:25 Tue 11th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Have I missed something or has Chatterbank suddenly had babies called seasonal and weather?...or have I just not noticed before today...seems a bit unneccessary to me ...just wondered....;-)


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I've only noticed them myself this afternoon commoner. Thought it was just me who'd hadn't noticed them before.
Just clicked on seasonal, and there's a thread about putting petrol in a diesel car ?.
Too much time spent eyebrow raising Parkdale. ;-)
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Thanks chuckf...explains a lot...probably won't bother with it myself as I really only use CB...Thanks again...
Oh I thought the second box was for "Whether?" or "Whevver?" questions
There is a "hidden" Christmas section under chatterbank too, you can only see it if you click on the word Topics at the top of the list.
As in "Whether Tony has slept with all the women in Answerbank Village yet?"
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Ok Guys...I think Chatterbank is one of the best things on the Internet in it's genre...If something ain't broken, why try to mend it....JMO
Hi DT, wot.
Well it's just a truism and hi, Tony!
Know what you mean gness. Roger Moore's got nothing on me.
I agree Commoner. As long as we don't have to start behaving. That's not what old age is for.
So I've heard Parkdale. :-0 x
How is it 'broken' Commoner?? Just continue to post in Chatterbank.
Uh oh. Rumbled.
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Agree Gness but seems like things they are a changin'.....had a reply removed idea why..just made a joke and obviously somebody didn't see the funny looks very much as though we are going to have to behave Heh heh!

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