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scot on sunday cryptic

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creamegg | 10:25 Wed 12th Sep 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
12a- affluent award initially doled out with skin graft by somebody who doesnt believe in god 7,7
?i?h?r? da?k?n?

18a- its poisonous soup - a spoonful or two should be sampled

21a- such drama might arrive around goodmans turn

23a- logs sent out with queens absorption

12d- puzzle is tougher, good

15d- something with dingy colour, containing bits thrown out


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18a upas (in clue)
12a Richard Dawkins
21a costume
21a costume
15d) dustbin = 'dun' outside of anagram of 'bits'
12d) righteous (anagram)
12d righteous
23a enters
23a) enters = anagram of 'sent' outside E.R.
12d righteous
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thankyou x

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scot on sunday cryptic

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