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I Pad 3 connecting to Wi Fi

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linnyb | 16:44 Wed 12th Sep 2012 | Technology
3 Answers
Hello All

We have a laptop and I pad 3.

We have wireless in the house and the laptop can connect to it but the I pad will not connect.

When we try to connect to I pad it says cannot connect (there is a padlock by our wifi on the I Pad)

Any suggestions anyone - desperate to get homework off I Pad!!!



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1.From the iPad's Homescreen, tap Settings. (This assumes you didn't rearrange your apps. If you did, find the Settings icon wherever you put it.)
2.In the Settings screen, tap Network.
3.To start the iPad scanning for available wireless networks, tap the WiFi button and then slide the slider to "on". In a few seconds, you'll see a list of all the networks near you, whether they're public or private (if you don’t see the list, there may not be any within range).
The list of WiFi networks you'll see will include two kinds: public and private. Private networks have a lock icon next to them; Public don’t. The bars next to each network indicate the strength of the connection – more bars means a faster connection.

To connect to a public network, just tap the network name and you’ll be online.

5.If you want to access a private network, you’ll need a password. Assuming you've got the password, tap the network name and enter it the password. Then tap the "join" button at the bottom right of the screen. If your password is correct, you’ll connect to the network and be surfing the web. If not, try entering it again (assuming you've got the right one, of course).
6.Advanced users can click the arrow to the right of the network to access more technical configuration settings. Everyday users probably won’t need to look at these options
It sounds as if you aren't entering the password for your wifi on the IPad, or possibly your router is only using WEP security which is flaky at best on the iPad.
Sasa - What a brilliant response to that query
Very well done !

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I Pad 3 connecting to Wi Fi

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