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TWR | 18:51 Wed 12th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
To the people of Liverpool, you deserved this judgement, I do hope the Yorkshire police that have lied & called your sons / Daughters liars pay the price, & I do hope that the people of Liverpool leave that Toilet Roll paper where it belongs, hung up on a piece of string in each outside toilet.

Congratulation Liverpool, its been a long time coming.


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Ask the people of Liverpool that Jno.
ask them what?

The lies should be tracked down to those who invented them knowingly, not the ones who repeated them innocently.
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Sun's Editors maybe! Im sure he / she has the final way its printed! or maybe someones lying, we shall see.
oh yes, he wrote the headline and decided what was printed. But he'd been lied to by the authorities.
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A reporter that was there reported what HE SAW Jno, he then reported this to his editor, his editor then altered the report.
that's what editors do - they weigh up all the reports they get. In this case they rated the police and political responses more highly than that of one reporter who didn't see everything. They got it wrong. But they were misled.

Last I saw the government were still trying to work out if the MP was still a Tory party member. The cop retired early on a sickness pension so he couldn't be investigated or sacked.
I've never understood the logic behind a resignation exonerating you from answering to the law.
just protected him from an internal investigation by a body he no longer belonged to. Any possible illegalities can still be investigated.
Yeah, but resigning probably preserves his pension, whereas a sacking wouldn't.

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