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starone | 10:31 Thu 13th Sep 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
in this flower quiz. It is 'Birds almost sound like cat'. I know I should know it but I have thought till my brain hurts and I am desperate. I hate not knowing.


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10:31 Thu 13th Sep 2012
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Thanks mac. I could kick myself for not seeing that. You are very clever.
No.6 in this quiz. -Goat vessel. Can you offer a CLUE please? The answer I have is actually a grass!
No6.Butter cup
Oh!!!!!!!!!!! Thank-you. ( realise that is not a clue but appreciate your response.)
Can you help me with number 15 please?
15. Bovines cheek.
Ive googled until my brain is fried.!
Many thanks for any help.
Thank you Ousel. I thought of oxslip and cowslip, but wasnt sure as no numbver of letters were given.x
With hindsight, I think you were right with Cowslip. Apologies.
Thanks Ouzel. It was the "cheek" part of the clue that got me puzzled. I wasnt sure.

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