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Legal Bill

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SIRandyraven | 19:38 Fri 14th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Prince William being a wealthy man
(multi millionaire) can afford to sue the magazine.
Would the man in the street be able to do the same ?
I guess you would not get legal aid ?

I presume he is paying the legal bill ?
Would hate to think of the uk taxpayer picking up the bill.
Guess we could always cut the pensions of nurses to fund it ...just a bit more or close a few OAP day centres.


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not many men in my street would bother if their mrs was on the front page of a magazine topless, they'd not see it anyway was pigeon weekly and racing post is on a different shelf
oh and william inherited several million off his mum a few years back, probably not spent it all yet.
Maybe it's 'no win no fee'
There are plenty of 'men in the street' who benefit from those agreements these days
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I do hope he is picking up the legal bill.
Guess he will be awarded costs if he wins case.
Would hate to think of the public purse carrying the cost , in these times of austerity for the little people.
he may be wealthy, but perhaps he is a gentleman, and prefers not to see pictures of his wife splashed across the pages of some grubby newspaper or magazine.
Suggest if you want to moan about the cuts, speak with the person, persons who are doing it, that would be the current administration.
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@em10 - So you would support the idea of the tax payer funding his legal bill then ? And you suggest that you feel the public service cut backs are ok ?
Sorry but I think that would be morally bankrupt. Worse than the invasion of his privacy (well I guess the royal protection officers closed there eyes are looked away at the time she went topless)?
I assume any damages he is awarded will go to his charity
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I guess they will.
But taking this form of legal action is expensive and only available to the rich.
My point is that I hope he is underwriting the cost and not the tax payer.
It's incredibly unlikely that a magazine would want to publish a photo of my breasts, so i think mr b is safe from expensive litigation for the moment
Why would the UK taxpayer be involved in costs of a case held in the French courts?
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I would suggest a homeless charity.
He is a patron of several.
Guess it helps ease the moral dilemma of your family living in several palaces.
That's why I never had issues when we had a holiday home.
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@AB - so who will pay then ? The French tax payer ?
That would be good :-)
Public services wouldn't suffer, the NHS is in enough financial straits at the moment. Government funding is in silos, you don't rob one to pay the other.
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@Bob - Yes ...but when the budgets are set each year....oh never mind.
If it costs the tax payer nowt to fund legal bills of multimillionaires , then Richard Branson should get us to fund his latest legal challenge on Virgin trains.
If it costs the tax payer nowt to fund legal bills of multimillionaires , then Richard Branson should get us to fund his latest legal challenge on Virgin trains.

you're talking nonsense sirandy
your dislike, nay even hatred shines brightly, i wonder why. If you don't like the Royals fine, just say so. and as Maidup pointed out you are talking nonsense.

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