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Much better offer

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sherrardk | 19:22 Sun 16th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
A little while ago I received a kind invite to share in a business opportunity with a complete stranger. I decided not to take them up on the offer as they were only offering me 35% of the money. However, today I have received a much better offer of $10,800,000,000 (US). The bloke who the money belongs to has been sentenced to death for murder (along with some of his mates) and his financial adviser will wait 'days' for me to get back to him. Obviously it could be a scam BUT this one has a link to a newspaper article about the murder so it must be true. Lucky, lucky me!


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Fabulous - go for it !!
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Isn't it just!
Send them your bank details pronto!
Gawd, you jammy dodger you. lol
I received an offer the other day by email, but not as good as this one, sherrardk......hahaha
It's a scam! They won't execute the guy at the end of the day so he can claim all his money back with interest.
am I missing something here? always thought if an offer was to good to be true then it wasn't. I do hope I'm just not in the loop with this and I've misunderstood.
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Well, he seems like a nice enough chap - even apologising for 'interfering with my privacy' by sending me an un-solicited email.
Ding.......sound of penny dropping
If someone interfered with my privacy I would punch their lights out!
Suggest you check the details. If he's a guy on death row in Texas you have a good chance of collecting, because they are pretty swift in sending felons on their last journey down there. If he's from Connecticut I wouldn't bother, because they're dead soft and will probably let him off.
^^and they have and she has^^^
Please let me have your address for the begging letters to begin!

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