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Eastenders - Get Real!

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pips1 | 10:55 Mon 17th Sep 2012 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
How many people can run a pub and just decide to go away for a holiday with a small child, one bag, and doesn't tell anyone?


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Yes i agree, I said it another post, ridiculous.
Hate to tell you this - but it isn't real. ;o)

(By the way, I don't watch it).
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Why answer then? You always say this, change the record!!

Sorry netibiza, didn't see your post :)
I don't think I've ever said that about Eastenders before - and didn't you see the little wink that indicates a joke? Oh dear, perhaps I should have taken it seriously. My apologies. :o(
Travel light ... buy what you need when you get there ... !
the storyline of Kat is getting dull, for gods sake reveal the boyfriend and be done with it !
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No offence naomi but you have said 'it's not real' to me before, maybe about another soap though. I just like to get others' reactions and I am in TV section after all! but sorry if I was a bit sharp x
Don't remember that at all - but not to worry. I'll remember not to post light hearted comments to you in future. Thanks for the apology. :o)
It's not just Eastenders. Poor little Simon in Corrie (what a sweet child!) seems to live out of a haversack.
WHAAATT???? it's not real? are you sure, I am desolate!!!!
It's a bit of a bummer isn't it neti. I don't watch it because I twigged earlier.

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Eastenders - Get Real!

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