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kloofnek | 07:22 Mon 17th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Anyone watch last night`s it the very last one?
It ended where both he and his sidekick were dying after being shot.
I love this series and would hate to think that that is the end for good.
Anyone know anything bout this?


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....think you are too picky lads...I never let little things like accents and historical correctness put me off a good tale...loved it and hope for more....

More Gently please...:-)
That's like saying, "I never let trivial things like the truth get in the way of a good story..." the mantra of Daily Mail readers.
MIke, no that's not like people who read the Mail, that is the paper, if they don't print the truth and what paper really does, then don't blame those who read it. Some like me will also read other newspapers, watch tv news, sky news, and other sources of info.
I'm a Daily Mail reader...................
I was being a bit tongue in cheek; I admit to occasionally reading the Daily Mail, a much harder thing to confess than saying that I am substitute pianist in a gay brothel.
lol..not really ...Gently never claims to be anything but pure fiction merely for entertainment and as such surely is allowed some "poetic licence" IMO....Daily Mail is or should be reporting fact.....;-))
as i am, like the crossword, which often makes me cross, but nothing new about that either. As to Martin Shaw as George Gentley, sorry doesn't work for me. Bring back Judge John Deed.
I agree em..............loved Judge John Deed. I turned off last night's George Gentley as I was bored.
stop bringing the fluffing daily mail into every post. I will say this now, i reckon that this programme is claptrap made by the biased BBC, glad i got that off my chest.
Heh heh!...steady em we're only talkin' about a TV program...not he onset of WW111.....I personally have enjoyed everything Shaw has done even the Professionals....and fornthe record I hope there is more to come....;-)
Well said commoner ;o)

I enjoy George Gentley, I enjoy Coronation Street - both fictional, both not exactly quite like real life, but good entertaining programmes and very watchable.

But I didn't enjoy that ending very much - however, it certainly was a shock.
I take the 'Gently' programmes with a quite large bucketload of salt as regards being an authentic representation of the Police. It isn't, but there again it is first and foremost a drama which of course won't sacrifice fiction for reality otherwise nobody would watch it.

As for 'Deed', yes please bring it back if only for the gorgeous Jenny Seagrove?
Exactly, leave reality to documentaries and give us some excitement in our lives with fiction.
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Tenrec...I will certainly do what you suggest next time I put a post sorry if I spoilt it for you,I ,too, record stuff and I can understand your being a bit put out with it...was never my intention to upset anyone...but...having said this...this site is for question and discussions(sometimes) and is a great one with some lovely posters please don`t be "nasty",if something is on it that you do not like.
However,I shall be careful in the future and bear in mind regards to the fact that other people have not yet watched a programme...but will be doing so.
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Forgot to add...I love Martin Shaw in Judge Deed...I think he is very sexy and the relationship between him and Jenny Seagrove has me wishing they would get together instead of faffing around.
Wish they'd bring back Judge John Deed!

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