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Will Brown be the next PM?

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Loosehead | 11:02 Thu 08th Dec 2005 | News
37 Answers
I think once Blair goes, the reds under the bed will emerge and contrive to put a lefty in charge and Brown will miss out, then they'll impose as much socialism on us as they can before Cameron kicks there butts out, just my own view what do abers's think? All views welcome.


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I see that Nasty Mr Blair is going to give the EU back their rebate. I had to do a lot of handbagging to get that! Still they're a bunch of wimps in Europe.

May I recommend a convalencent speaking tour...

South Africa: "Why I supported Arpartheid"

East Timor: " Hawk Jets for Indonesia - nothing personal "

Chile: "Me and my Pal Pinnochet"

Perhaps I could recommend a convalecent speaking tour:

South Africa: "Why I supported Arpartheid"

East Timor: "Hawk Jets to Indonesia - nothing personal"

Chile: "Me and my mate Pinnochet"

That's twice as you're probably a bit deaf now! :c)

I hope Brown will be the next PM.He is honest,genuine and frugal.

I can hear you all laughing up your sleeves as you read this -(I could Google for stats as well) but I speak from what I have seen and I ultimately would trust him.After all you can only P avec le coq you have!

600 000 new public sector jobs ? Good! - 600 000 people paying taxes, buying goods and services and not claiming benefits.
'NHS �620m in the red' - i know some would like to see it as one but when was the NHS ever meant to be a profit making company? What does '�620m in the red' actually mean in reference to a publicly financed health service?
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Oh dear Gary, the basic socialist error, 600000 people paying taxes err with tax! So for every �1 of money paid out, which is tax from real tax payers remember, you get back some! Great Gary, can you help me get some cash out of Nigeria, you see my dad died anf left $25m in a bank and I need your help..............
What is 'real tax payer'? Are people who work in the public sector not 'real tax payer's'? Perhaps we should make public sector workers tax exempt then? Perhaps you should , in principle, stop paying your taxes that pay for these workers and therefore give up your right to using "real tax payer' type things such as roads, hospitals, schools, refuse collection, social services, police and fire services etc etc etc.
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What I mean is that by definition a public sector employee is paid out of taxes. They create no wealth themselves, they are real tax payers from their own point of view because of course some of their income disappears. But from a state point of view any tax they get back from a public sector employee is only a part of what they already had in the first place. That is why it is desirable fiscally speaking to have the public sector as small as possible. The private sector creates the wealth out of which "real" tax is paid.
The key to economic (and social) stability is to have a balance of public/ private sector. Go too far one way or another and you have huge inequalities and an unsustainable economy. The USA has huge social problems for this reason as did the former Communist countries (btw - i had to laugh when you called me a socialist - and anyone who knew me would laugh heartily at the suggestion aswell).
I believe we have the right balance at the moment in this country - hence the stable economy we are experiencing. I unfortunately remember the 80's and the inequalites in that era - give me these lot (war and all) over what they replaced.
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Well you where just demonstrating one of the classic socialist tendencies, ie the belief that the taxes you reap from the public sector are real. It's like putting �100 in the fruit machine, you'll probably get �70 back but you had �100 in the first place!

I find it remarkable that so many people have forgotton what the economy was like in 1979 after years of mad dog unions and gutless lefties run it down. The 80's where painful but necessary to save the patient. The cure was harsh yes but the disease needed it.

Do you not think the unions where out of hand? Do you not think that the Callaghan governement was inept? That the two together made us the sick man of Europe? How short the memory of some.

I could'nt have said it better myself, loosehead, like most socialists, they have selective memory and tunnel vision.
You cant blame the econonic solution in 1979 solely on the unions. yes i agree they were too militant but there were lots of complicated reasons (many not the UK's fault) postwar war reconstruction, paying back the Yanks,oil crisis, loss of empire etc etc and many industrial workers were fighting for their jobs (cant blame em for that - and the predictions of de-industrialistion came true). As far as my 'classic socialist tenendecy: its not that we dont get back anything in return for this investment (repeating myself now) bins emptied, kids taught, hospitals staffed, roads repaired (repeat to fade1)

You lot are far better at Googling than me.I dont for a millisecond believe you have that knowledge in your brain ready to spout out

At least I have my knowledge in my brain and I NEVER Google cos I have a great mental capacity and knowledge;-).

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I have not googled! Just what bits do you think are googled? There's only a few dates no hard facts, not sure what you are moaning about drisgirl!
I think she was being sarcastic Loosehead (at least i hope she was......!).
Anyway i'm tired of this thread - come on Loosehead, throw another right wing log on the fire, fan the flames of controversy and give us 'gutless lefties' something else to get annoyed about.
I was being sarcy - sorry for any offence.If you have that knowledge at hand good on ya!!!!

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