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Speaking of petitions....

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Jeza | 21:40 Tue 18th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Back in the 60's or 70's I can't remember which. I was stopped in the High Street of my home town and asked to sign an Anti-Abortion petition. I refused. The guy promptly told me I was a disgrace to women and then punched me in the mouth. Fortunately my teeth remained in tact. For this reason I have never signed a petition, not even ones I believe in.


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Little wonder you prefer your cat Jeza. I'd either have had him arrested for assault or decked him one myself. His attitude and behaviour was a disgrace not yours
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As Clarion says a narrow minded and ignorant man- I hope you had him arrested Jeza. By contrast however to the other posters if I believe in something then I sign it or stand up for it, for me to do otherwise would make me less than happy, also I've never as far as I know had my details cloned or used in an illicit way, it's usually only your name and address which anyone can get free online via the electoral roll.

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