I am thinking reducing my fuel costs by using a 50/50 mix of petrol/methanol in my motorcycle for commuting
I can get methanol for 80p/litre.
Now I know the fuel/air ratio for methanol is 6.4:1 which means the engine will be using more than twice as much fuel if I used it straight.
Of course it would work out more expensive to use it straight (about 2.3 times)
But given the price of methanol is it worth it?
I could do with some advice on the arithmetic involved here as my maths is not what it used to be.
Petrol £1.39/litre Air/fuel ratio 14.7:1
Methanol £0.80/litre Air/fuel ratio 6.4:1
I would like to know what the price per litre would be for a 50/50 blend.
Methanol is EXTREAMLY toxic even by skin absorption !!
Even a tiny amount of Methanol contamination of your food or drink can result in permanent blindness and brain damage. It is so poisonous I am very surprised you can buy it legally. I know Drag cars / bikes used to use it but I think that it is banned now. ( I was a reguar at Santa Pod back in the 1970s)
From your prices I think a 50/50 blend would be very near the same price as petrol but a lot more dangerous.
When you say methanol are you sure that you don't mean ethanol with a little methanol added to make it undrinkable? The above link might be useful. I don't think that a 50/50 petrol/ ethanol mixture will be stable and will separate out.
(1.39 + .8) /2= 1.095