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seal! | 16:22 Thu 08th Dec 2005 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers

Why, on the southwest weather, does it not show Bath on the map, but when i was watchin the weather in liverpool, it had Bath as one of the main cities?



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I know a girl who does the graphics for local news (including the weather) and its is up to them to choose what places they put on - depends on their mood - sometimes they just put random places up to liven things up a bit!
The weather report is obviously run on the same lines as the Inland Revenue. If you live in London your "local" tax office is in Glasgow, if you live in Glasgow it's in London!
Ditto gary baldy, I have noticed this is the case, they pick random places, it chages
When the give temperatures for 'main' cities i.e. Glasgow London Belfast Plymouth they never seem to give one in the east - e.g. Norwich.

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