Company vehicle Insurance in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Company vehicle Insurance

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Sparkles62 | 23:15 Sat 22nd Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Does anybody know how old you have to be before you can go onto your company vehicle insurance. My son is 20. Done his apprenticeship as a plumber, gas fitter, and got all his qualifications, been told by his work that he cant have a works van because he is not old enough to go on the company insurance.
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That depends on the company's insurance policy.
Not unusual to bar under 21s or even under 25s.
i would imagine it's up to the insurance co what risks they will accept
The Company has most likely set the age limit to either 21 or 25 to keep the premiums down.
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Thanks everybody. He asked me and I didnt have an answer to give him . X

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Company vehicle Insurance

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