I'm 19 and have a 15 year old girlfriend, please don't give me any negative comments about the age difference, I've heard it all and it doesn't mean a damn thing to me. Her father constantly makes her cry, he insults her, unrightfully calls her names like selfish and untrusting and it's gotten to the point where she begs me to run away from home with her. I'm scared of the consequences for both me and her if we are to run away and get caught, but I'm scared that if I don't do something soon she will either commit suicide, harm herself, or turn to drugs. I guess my question is what can I do to help her without getting myself into trouble? I love this girl and I can't take her being so sad anymore. Ive got to do something. Is there any way I can prove him to be an unfit parent?
Is she just 15 or nearly 16? She could go and talk to social services but I am not sure that they would do much. At 16 she can choose to leave home and wouldn't have to run away. Is there any way that you could support her to stay until she is 16?