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Finding Something on Facebook

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mrs_overall | 09:29 Tue 25th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
A friend has told me that someone I know has died, but my friend can't remember who it is. She said a FB page has been set up in tribute. This might sound ridiculous, but is there any way I can find a tribute page without knowing the deceased persons name?


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could be tricky..

the only way i can think of is to look on mutual friends pages to see if they have recently joined a page
mind you if you don;t know who they are then you don;t know the mutual friends....
Mrs O, Only thing is getting your friend to describe the person to you. Ir ask one of their friends, they might know.
Question Author
Had a phone call from my friend who eventually remembered the name, so I have now found it.
Thanks for your answers.
So sorry if you were close xx
Question Author
Thanks sibs.
It is a young woman I used to mentor when she was at school who died at the weekend. I can't say we were close but I had a soft spot for her. It was only last week I found her drunk in town after her boyfriend had dumped her and I gave her a lift home. She had a young baby - very sad business.
Sorry to hear this mrs o, very sad indeed.
Oh what a tragic waste of a young life, so sad. How is mr_o coping with his treatment?
Question Author
Mr O is doing very well thanks xx
I'm really glad it's going well, much love and you take care, we need you. xx

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Finding Something on Facebook

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