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Good Morning Ab'ers

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NoMercy | 05:17 Wed 26th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
158 Answers
HHave a smashing day, and I hope you don't all get washed out by the rain. xx


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Yes indeed Rowan - I saw Redman's post yesterday :+)

< you two may also be interested in the Brum outing in a couple of weeks time? >
Builders can be tiring. Had a phone call yesterday from a cousin describing a pair of boots found after their last party....size 2 so must be mine. What on earth did I wear on my feet for the fifteen mile journey home? Must be an age thing this.
say they are not yours gness but that you uwill look after them until claimed by owner.
Hi Alba, fine thanks for asking. Nothing productive on the house front at the moment, but I may have a tangle to sort out tomorrow as Mum has been arguing with the housekeeper about having the heating on ..... She can't wait to move and is finding it hard to keep quiet until dotted lines have been well and truly signed!
Size 2, gness ??

don't you keep falling over?
As long as I don't wear a padded bra I'm okay JJ. If I do I'm like one of those Weebles my kids had.
< stoppit G - I've just spluttered and inhaled my bran flakes >
I've just splattered coffee down the owner's blouse.....
of my café I hasten to add,,,,
Good morning to all you ABers out there,a better morning today than the last two days,bright,dry and quite mild.I have got the whole day to myself,I might finish up in the garden getting ready for the winter,last minute jobs that need doing,does,nt sound very interesting or I could go shopping I need a new pair of trendy boots.I'll have a little think.
It's no joke Dave. How would you like to have to choose between a decent cleavage and staying upright? :-(
Leave my bumcleavage out of this ...
epic timing fluff ... :+)
And you hastened to wipe it DT?

Morning Fluff. x
gness - of course ever the gentleman
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Boobs ... Bum cleavage ... Whatever next?
bring on the cream, NoM.....

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