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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:02 Thu 27th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
146 Answers
Thursday and it's cloudy, but dry. We are told it's going to be better for a while now. I hope so!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Take care Boaty xx

Morning Paddy xx
Sometimes we get 4 seasons inside an hour :-)
lol..alba I'm more for splicing the main brace....(nautical term)...
I just watching Breakfast T.V. from York where the Ouse is metres above it's normal level and still rising, though it's expected to peak this morning, so I don't suppose we can complain with what we've had round here.
Morning all. When I woke it was wet, cold and horrible, so I left mrs cook in bed and saw that the weather was the same. Then the computer refused to function properly. I could read the posts but not join in. My new Hi-tech percussive maintenance tool seems to have done the trick. Have a good day each, mine hopefully will be tranquil and lovely.
Morning all from a nicer Edinburgh...bit late coming on today staying up at mum' to see phantom of the opera this afternoon..then up to hospital to see dad...hope you all have a good day ! xx♥
Hi Murray....glad you're getting some R&R with all that's going on.

Take care. Gx

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Good morning early birds!

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