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bednobs | 19:32 Thu 27th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
sorry, i'm rubbish and have no idea how many 0's a billion is. What is 500 billion divided by 60 million please


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500 billion = 500 000 000 000

60 million = 60 000 000

Cross of 7 zeros

50 000

= 8333.33 recurring
That's using billion to be 1 and 9 zeros, ie thousand million, used to be 12 zeros in the UK, ie a million million but we downgraded it to please the USA!
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blimey - i heard on the news today that the total benefits bill for the year is 500 billion - can it possibly be right that's enough for 8k per person per year??
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thanks both BTW
Looks that way, doesn't it, I'll forego the recurring, they can just send me the 8000!
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Must take the iphone when Letterman interiews me :)
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I'd disagree methyl as did zebo. A billion in US has always been a thousand million. In UK it used to be a million million but we now adopt the thousand million same as US.
bring back the milliard

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