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marval | 19:32 Fri 28th Sep 2012 | Jokes
7 Answers
For many years Kate Murphy had run the fruit and vegetable stall in the town market and she'd learned to have an answer for any situation.

So there she stood and eyed the big Texan who was poking around the stall.

'Hey, what are these?' he asked.

'Apples,' said Kate.

'Apples?' laughed the Yank. 'Why, in Texas we have apples twice that size! And what are these?'

"Those are potatoes,' snapped Kate.

'Potatoes? Why at home our potatoes are twice as big at least,' sneered the Texan. Just then he picked up a cauliflower, but before he could speak Kate said:

'If you're not buying sprouts, don't pick them up!'


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Lovely - wish I was as quick witted.
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Me too Star
O but G. When I heard it instead of picking a cauli up... it was a cabbage.

Obviously should be a cabbage which looks like a Brussels sprout.
Lett uce not fall out over a cauli lol

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