hormonal changes in The AnswerBank: Science
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hormonal changes

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tkhui | 19:38 Sat 10th Dec 2005 | Science
6 Answers
After what age would people start losing mescle mass and strength coused by hormonal changes?
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As none of the above have reached 9 years old yet, I think it is safe to assume they don't know.

stanleyman, my answer was NOT a guess. I have read that a man is at his peak in his late teens and it is all downhill from then on. Women however peak in their late 20s to 30.

Ditto, stanleyman, my answer is based on the fact that a male reaches physical peak at 23- after a couple of years, hormonal changes occur which result in muscle wastage.

A different source and answer to gen2's equally valid answer - but hey, that's Answerbank.

Still, it's a tedious question from a tedious quiz that has been posted so many times that even AB-Ed has no problem deleting them. "Seek and destroy" were his words - I doubt if it will even be here tomorrow.

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hormonal changes

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