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Just Trying Drambuie

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joggerjayne | 22:00 Sun 30th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
It's REALLY nice!


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Puts me in mind of the scene from The Great Escape where they're sampling the home-brewed hooch. Various inmates of various nationalities sample it and dissolve into paroxysms of coughing and spluttering, but Gordon Jackson has a guid swallee and says "Rather good"... :-)
"This is very drinkable"

The most dangerous words known to man, or woman.
Are you perhaps suggedsting that the Scots are jakeballs Mark?
the strange thing was, people drinking poteen with milk?
Have you tried Glayva, seagull?
Perhaps the only drink that makes me want to vomit before I drink it?
Poteen with milk, not Glayva.
Mr Crosswordfan, I think you're confusing Irish Mist with Baileys.
My absolut favourite glayva.Try with a half measure of cheap scotch just to cut the sweetness.Beware though it`s so nice over ice it`s bluddy lethal.
My Grandmother in law lived in the country and could make wine from anything that grew. I went to see her and she showed me her cellar. Racks and racks of wine. Everything from carrot, turnip, dandelion etc. She asked me which I would like to taste I chose carrot. When she pulled it from the rack it was dated 1946. This was in 1975. The taste was lovely but after one glass I couldn't drive home. I would love to know what happened to all that wine and jam after she died.
Perhaps they embalmed her in it?
I think i will stick to my Sheridans.anyone else like it?
One or two, any more is sickening.
I well remember an elderly relative referring to drambuie as damn brewery :)
Drambuie's ok, once you've got rid of the crap they've put in the whisky
Drambuie is yummy, as is Sheridan's, Baileys and Tia Maria.
I love all of them in coffee especially.
Question Author
Just reading the label.

So it's like whisky with a bunch of herbal stuff?
What about Amaretti? I love it.

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